Tsuro Ikonberg

TSURO means “Rabbit”
He is a main character of the jungle-fable of Zimbabwe. Tsuro represents agility & imagination paired with wisdome and humor

We identify  as  a  multi  organism ,  a super  organism  which  unites  the persona  Peter Haubenberger  coming from his mother , grown up on the countryside  in a village with  the  name  Petzenkirchen ; the Artist Tsuro ; and t h e   B o d y   of those  two ,  where multiple organs are  u n i t e d  &
the network of about  100Trillion  Neurons  are responsible for creating a very  unique  perceived  r e a l i t y ;  the  i n n e r   M u s e   with  no  name
, a   t r u e l y  birthgiving  M u s e   ;   an  e n t i t y  as   the   o b s e r v e r  ; multiple  dream  characters. And last but  not  least  t h e  forever child, also named P e t e r .

Until the visual limit

Art does not exist without a viewer. Without eyes of the viewer, without an awake awareness

of which it can have an effect in which it comes to life.

The works by Tsuro Ikonberg invite the observer on a journey through his own inner world emotions.

They are games of the imagination, walkable labyrinths of

thoughts and associations.
We claim that the digital age has us deprived of imagination.

In the world of the infinite given possibilities, wanders the
consciousness of the people

without the incentive and cause for self-reflection.

It can be relaxing, fun and with it stay passive. Tsuro Ikonberg transformed their childish escape

into virtual worlds of the computer into extreme creativity,
change, shock, should convert. Digital virtuality was too tight for him. She is programmed.

Human imagination on the contrary, knows no limits.

The deeper you go the more you lose yourself

in your own consciousness and the boundaries of the imaginable go fuzy.

Who want to perceive and understand his works, must give free rein to his own imagination

until one looks beyond the limits of the visible and looks into the
self through the lens of art.

Tsuro is a protest against the lazy passivity of the
Contemplation and the sleep of the inhibited Imagination.

They are dedicated to  the art of experience, the living performance seeks to interact with the public.

To the creative volcanic eruptions and the extremity of their views, they are driven by their inner muse.

Your creative energy brings their images to pulsing and glowing,

you can feel them in colors and shape.
The art is there so that we can lose our selves

and thereby become new in that very moment.

Open your eyes to see without eyes.
